Читы, коды (чит коды) для Multi Theft Auto (MTA)

#1 2021.11.22 09:31:54


Commands and Description

• /aspirine - Sets your health to 100.

• /panzer - Spawns a tank for you.

• /rocketman - Gives you a jetpack. Type the same command to remove it. [Note 1]

• /nuttertools - Gives you many weapons.

• /moneymoneymoney - Gives you 1000000 money.

• /policecantgetme - Raises your wanted level to 2.

• /jumpjet - Spawns a hydra for you.

• /toodamnhot - Sets weather to scorching hot.

• /professionalkiller - Sets all weapon skills to maximum.

• /leavemealone - Sets your wanted level to 0.

• /sostrong - Sets your muscles to maximum.

• /fullstamina - Sets your stamina skills to maximum.

• /fattyguy - Sets your fat skills to maximum.

• /idontwantlife - Commit Suicide.

• /bigbang - Destroys all vehicles.

• /preciousprotection - Sets your armor to 100.

• /catsanddogs - Sets weather to stormy.

Version 3.0.0 (Change Log)

• /feelinglazy - Makes you walk like a drunk man.

• /iamugly - Gives you complete invisibility, nametag disappears even.

Version 4.0.0 (Change Log)

• /ilikescotland - Changes weather to cloudy.

• /ilovescotland - Changes weather to rainy.

• /ohdude - Spawns a hunter.

• /sticklikeglue - Better car driving skills.

• /ilikepinkcolor - Pink cars. [Note 2]

• /ilikeblackcolor - Black cars. [Note 3]

Version 5.0.0 (Change Log)

• Now only admins can use the cheat codes. (/rocketman is the only cheat that can be used by players)

• Jet Pack cheat command changed to '/rocketman' and '/rocketman' to remove the jetpack if you have it already.

• Fixed minor bugs.

Version 6.0.0 (Change Log)

• /programmer - Removes player's head and returns it back on the same command. (Kind of zombie) [Note 4]

• /stilllikedressingup - Changes the skin of player to random on every time you type the command. [Note 5]

• /betterthanwalking - Spawns a caddy and warps you in it.

• Fixed minor bugs.


[Note 1]: This cheat code can be used by any player. Type /rocketman to get the jetpack and same command to remove it.

[Note 2]: This sets the color of vehicles all in the server to pink. Do this command again, if it does not set the color.

[Note 3]: This sets the color of vehicles all in the server to black. Do this command again, if it does not set the color.

[Note 4]: This cheat code can be used by any player. Type /programmer to remove your head and same command to get it back.

[Note 5]: This cheat code allows you to change your skins randomly from id 100 to 280 on every time you type the command.

Updates (Version 3.0.0)

• /feelinglazy - Makes you walk like a drunk man.

• /iamugly - Gives you complete invisibility, nametag disappears even.

Updates (Version 4.0.0)

• /ilikescotland - Changes weather to cloudy.

• /ilovescotland - Changes weather to rainy.

• /ohdude - Spawns a hunter.

• /sticklikeglue - Better car driving skills.

• /ilikepinkcolor - Pink cars.

• /ilikeblackcolor - Black cars.
Отредактировано: Panda 2022.08.05 13:12:56
#2 2021.11.22 09:32:43


Updates (Version 5.0.0)

• Теперь только администраторы могут использовать чит-коды. (/rocketman - единственный чит, который могут использовать игроки)

• * Команда чита реактивного ранца изменена на "/rocketman" и "/rocketman", чтобы удалить реактивный ранец, если он у вас уже есть.

• Fixed minor bugs.

Updates (Version 6.0.0)

• /programmer - удаляет голову игрока и возвращает ее обратно по той же команде. (Что-то вроде зомби)

• /stilllikedressingup - Изменяет скин игрока на случайный при каждом вводе команды.
• /betterthanwalking - создает кэдди и деформирует вас в нем.

• Исправлены незначительные ошибки.

Тема обновлена

• Добавлены [Примечания]. Посмотри.
Отредактировано: Panda 2023.09.11 08:38:42